10 Most Important Tips for Conscious Dating

Do you feel like starting on conscious dating? Its a method to increase the quality of the matches you make. Here are the

10 Most Important Tips for Conscious Dating

  1. Prepare yourself to go on at least 20 dates before you meet somebody you want to kiss
  2. Arrange for any first date to last just one hour so smooth exit is possible
  3. Define the three most important areas for you in a relationship
  4. Define the three most important areas for you in a partner
  5. Tell your date about the areas that are important to you
  6. Ask your date about the most important areas
  7. Talk with your date about the most important areas for both of you
  8. Do not focus on meeting your soul mate since it blinds you to seeing reality
  9. After the date ask yourself how your important areas matched
  10. Make a second date only if you feel like it


The reason why conscious dating is the way forward is that there are so many different ways of living a love life today so you you cannot count on a date having the same expectations as you have. By defining what is important for you in love before you go on a date you ground yourself in your own priorities. This gives you a clearer set of glasses to see the date you are with and then to decide if there is a match.

The more you can stay grounded in your own reality and priorities, the more you will be able to find a person that matches you. And remember you need to know what you want, in order to know when you’ve found it.


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